
Flutter App Development

Flutter is an open-source toolkit that can be used to build mobile, web, and desktop applications utilizing a common base. This implies that with flutter on your side, every app you create will have the same coding base, eliminating the need for any additional cross-platforming language! And this course will show you how to create flawlessly gorgeous apps with maximum efficiency.

About Course

DTC flutter course walks you through the sophisticated Dart programming language, provides a deep explanation of each individual component used in application programming, investigates databases and their connections to applications, and finally mentors you as you build your own bespoke app. This course will provide you with a full overview of Flutter and Cross-Platform Mobile Applications by the end of this course. Along with dart Programming Language Fundamentals , application Building Blocks and Structures, widgets, Navigators, and other Plugins, the course also covers topics like Using and Retrieving Data from a Database and development of various mobile applications based on the aforementioned principles.

Start Date: 



60 hours


07 : 00 AM - 09 : 00 AM

03 : 00 PM - 05 : 00 PM

06 : 00 PM - 08 : 00 PM

